16Personalities Test

I spent ten minutes this morning on the 16Personalities Test, and to quote my wife: Thanks, it delivered real added value.

Some might find it creepy to get a pretty accurate summary of their personality and character traits, but I felt seen. It feels soothing to realize that there is a category I can identify myself with, complete with a list of my strengths to be proud of and weaknesses to work on. I won’t walk around and introduce myself as “Stephan, personality type ENFP-A Campaigner. Pleasure.” But I took plenty of notes that I can see myself get back to.

Which brings me to my next point: The test summary is super-quotable, as it is concise and well-written. I am glad to now be equipped with the words that I so frequently lack when trying to describe myself or my approach to life. Some of the highlights include:

Your mind is a constant whirlwind of ideas and possibilities

You’re not just a dreamer, though—you’re a dreamer with a mission, driven by a deep-seated desire to make the world a better place.

You may find yourself starting numerous projects with gusto, only to leave them unfinished when a new, more exciting prospect catches your eye.

Your intense feelings can sometimes cloud your judgment.

The verbal image of the whirlwind is even in the title of my note Michel Gondry and My Inner Whirlwind and I find it reassuring that my original thoughts about myself are not completely unreasonable. I have also already established that I am a scanner personality, which is a huge source of joy and one of my biggest sources of frustration at the same time… Just like my intense feelings. And “dreamer with a mission?” That’s a strong contender for my new freelance business slogan.

But what I value the most is that the test sparked introspection and reflection. Once my wife and I both had our results ready, our morning coffee chat turned into a deep conversation about our personalities, our relationship, and our thoughts on personal growth. I cherish special moments like this; they create this lingering feeling that something good just happened.

Last but not least, the test revealed a fellow ENFP-A Campaigner type I already knew 10 years ago to be a brother in spirit: Phil Dunphy.