Logitech Squeezebox Radio

Inspired by my web ring neighbor Michael and his internet radio for the kitchen, I got myself a black Logitech Squeezebox Radio for 25€ on Kleinanzeigen. This is an incredible price for a small device with great sound quality—only because Logitech closed down their servers in February and a lot of people are getting rid of their seemingly defunct devices on the cheap.

But if you are tech-savvy and know how to spin up your own local media server, you might be happy to hear that the rebranded and now open-source Lyrion Media Server fully replaces the Logitech Media Server and breathes some fresh life into any Squeezebox.

In my case, LMS is running as a Docker container managed by Portainer on my My Cloud PR2100. I only needed to change the default environment variable HTTP_PORT to something other than 9000 (because that one’s used by Portainer already) and point the /music volume to my music directory. Setting up the Squeezebox and connecting it to my local server took two minutes and now I can listen to the same music that I usually consume with Plex/Plexamp. Because everything is staying inside our home network and the Squeezebox is not put off by our bad Wifi signal in the kitchen, this little thing makes for a great replacement of our Sonos Play:1.